It is with immense pride that I welcome you all to Oran Park High School. As the founding principal, I am deeply honoured to continue leading this wonderful institution into a new era of excellence and achievement.
Our school, established in 2020, stands as a testament to the vision and dedication of all those who have contributed to its foundation. With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to fostering a dynamic learning environment, Oran Park High School empowers every student to reach their fullest potential.
In 2024, we proudly enter a milestone year as we expand to encompass Years 7 through 12 and our students sit for the HSC for the first time. This expansion represents not only growth but also an opportunity for us to further cultivate a culture of academic excellence, personal development, and community engagement.
At Oran Park High School, our values serve as the cornerstone of everything we do. We are guided by the principles of Teamwork, Respect, Achievement, and Kindness—TRAK. These values shape our interactions and unite us as a supportive and inclusive community.
However, it is important to recognise that our school is not defined solely by its infrastructure or academic programs. The true essence of Oran Park High School lies in its people—the dedicated and passionate staff, the enthusiastic students, and the supportive families of the Oran Park community. Together, we form a vibrant and thriving community committed to nurturing the growth and success of every individual.
As we embark on this exciting journey together, I extend a warm welcome to all new and returning students, parents, and carers. Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of shaping the future for your child. Together, let us strive for excellence, embody kindness, and make Oran Park High School a place where every individual thrives and succeeds.
Welcome to our school.
Brad Mitchell
Oran Park High School