Oran Park High School

Partners in Learning

Telephone02 4634 7700


Technological and applied studies

Technology and Applied Studies

Oran Park High School TAS Faculty:

Mr Josh Symons - Head Teacher

Ms Jade Erickson

Ms Courtney Fraser

Mr Gus Castillon

Ms Danielle Saunders

Mr Ehab El-Hajje

Mr Bojan Djoneski 

Ms Jessica Capaldi

Ms Sarah Peruzzo 

Mr Harrison Lau

Ms Abbie Butchers

Ms Anjana Sharma

Ms Emily Sercombe

Ms Kanchanie Mistry

Ms Samir El-Helou

In Technological and applied studies (TAS), students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through a design and production process using a range of tools, materials and techniques in theory and practical lessons.

Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students engage in design and production activities as they develop solutions to identified needs and opportunities. Through the practical application of knowledge and understanding they learn about Agriculture and Food Technologies, Digital Technologies, Engineered Systems and Material Technologies.

Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects in Stage 5 and 6. In these specialised subjects, students engage in a diverse range of practical experiences and develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary and advancing technologies. They develop solutions to identified problems and situations, and explore the impact of technologies on the individual, society and the environment.

These courses include;

  • Design and Technology - Stage 5
  • Food Technology - Stage 5
  • Industrial Technology - Stage 5
  • Information and Software Technology - Stage 5
  • Textiles Technology - Stage 5
  • Design and Technology - Stage 6
  • Engineering Studies - Stage 6
  • Food Technology - Stage 6
  • Industrial Technology - Stage 6
  • Hospitality - Stage 6
  • Information Processes and Technology - Stage 6
  • Software Design and Development - Stage 6
  • Textiles and Design - Stage 6.

Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects.

In TAS, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through a design and production process using a range of tools, materials and techniques in theory and practical lessons.

The continuum of technology learning is:

  • mandated from Kindergarten to Year 8 through Science and Technology K-6 and Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 syllabuses
  • based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding to design and produce solutions
  • optional for student specialisation in high school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design.

Available courses include:

  • Technology Mandatory Years 7-8
  • Agricultural Technology Years 7-10
  • Design and Technology Years 7-10
  • Food Technology Years 7-10
  • Graphics Technology Years 7-10
  • Industrial Technology Years 7-10
  • Information and Software Technology Years 7-10
  • Textiles Technology Years 7-10
  • Agriculture Stage 6
  • Design and Technology Stage 6
  • Engineering Studies Stage 6
  • Food Technology Stage 6
  • Industrial Technology Stage 6
  • Information Processes and Technology Stage 6
  • Software Design and Development Stage 6
  • Textiles and Design Stage 6.

Year 10 Design and Technology Children's Books

All Grown Up by Fara

Little Big Daniel by Samisksha

The Dark Star by Arivah

The Insecure Moth by Rhea